Set Up

 The code for this web application is on the flash drive. You will need to install Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition (free) to run this application on your computer. (Link and instructions below). Once done, you will be able to make changes and additions to the web application on your computer and publish the changes to this website. Other pages in this app have examples in differnet programming languages that should be helpful. Play around with it, have fun. Add things, remove things, even full pages. You won't break anything that can't be fixed, and you have an original back up on the drive, no worries. Google and people who can code are helpful resources.

What is this?
An ASP.NET Core 8 MVC Web Application.
ASP.NET (veriosn 4.8) is a framework created by Microsoft.
Frameworks allow the different files, file locations, and computer languages to work together to make the application fuction.
Core 8 is the newest verison using MVC architecture.
MVC architecture is a way of organizing code.
M = Model, V = View, C = Controller
MVC is an example of object-oriented programming, OOP.
OOP allows for the creataion of an object, such has a person who has a name and an age. This is a Model (M in MVC).
The Model(M) can be sent to the View (V in MVC) to be seen on the screen.
The Controller (C in MVC) controls the interaction between the Model(M) and View(V).
The View(V) is called the client side.
The Controller(C) is called the server side.
The Controller(C) is in C#.
The C# is a Microsft programming lanuage.

Visual Studio
Visual Studio is an IDE (integrated development environment).
IDE's are used to write code.
IDE's help to find and fix coding errors. Visual Studio will also make suggestions while coding!
IDE's present code and file structure in easy to understand layouts.

Click on the link below and follow set up instructions.
Link: Visual Studio 2022 Download

Accept everything
When at component select screen be sure to select ASPNET and web development, Azure Developemnt, .net desktop deveoplment, and Data storage and processing. The picture shows what i have installed, you can install everything, it won't harm anything, but the extra stuff won't be used and will add time to the installation process.

Installation and configuartion of Visaul Studio takes a while.
Run Application
Copy the Noah file from the flash drive to your desktop. Open the file and click on Noah.sln.

Visual Studio will open with the Noah application in the solution explorer. (You probably have a welcome screen too).

The solution explorer shows all of the files that make up the application. Clicking on the arrows will expanded the file folders. Almost all of these files where automatically generated by the ASP.NET Core Framework. Frameworks are awesome! The important files we will be changing and adding to are the Controllers, Models, and Views files (MVC).

This page, the web page you are viewing this on, is the SetUp.cshtml file. Clicking on it will open the code for the page in Visual Studio. To get to the code, expand the Views folder, then the Home folder.

To run the applitcation on your machine (locally), click the run button at the top of Visual Studio. It will take a minute for Visual Studio to compile the code. The application will open in a broswer.

The address in the browser will be https: //localhost:7253. The application is running locally on your machine!